You might have quite the cantus experience already, but are you ready for the ULTIMATE CANTUS presented by ESN Leuven? This time, we have prepared a cantus on a large scale! So bring as many friends as you can to enjoy the experience together
Open your codex, grab your beer/sangria and warm up your beautiful voices! 

- Doors open: 20:00
- Io Vivat: 20:30

- With ESNcard: €15
- Without ESNcard: €17
- Water (NO own drinks allowed) with ESNcard: €4
- Water (NO own drinks allowed) without ESNcard: €6

- Presales during office shifts (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 18:00 until 20:00)
- Payment first week: for reserved spots
- Payment second week: first come first serve

-Besides beer, there is also the option to drink sangria during the cantus.
-Bring your own cup if you have one (ONLY 25CL ALLOWED).
-No pre-drinks allowed, if you show up drunk you can be asked to leave.
-Covid Safe Ticket is required for this event!

26/11/2021 - 20:00
De Waaiberg
Tervuursevest 60
3000 Leuven
  • Everyone is invited.