Winter is already here and what's the best to welcome it? A cantus. Yaaaay!!!
ESN Leuven presents the Winter Cantus. This time we celebrate the Belgian
tradition with the winter theme. Get ready to sing your hearts out again.
The students can enjoy some Christmas-themed drinks next to the usual beer.
Drinks that will be available: Beer, Gluwhein, Kinder Punch (non-alcoholic), Hot Coco, Water

Sunday, December 04.
Doors open at 18:30
Io Vivat at 19:00

Please arrive on time.
Location: Rumba Kiekenstraat 6, 3000 Leuven
Price: €16 with ESNcard
€19 without ESNcard

Presales during our office shifts (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 18h until 20h)

- Payment Monday (28/11) and Wednesday (30/11): for reserved spots
- Payment Friday (02/12): first come, first served.

 Registration: Obligatory. The link will be available on Sunday 27 Nov at 20:00. Keep an eye on our social media.

 Besides beer, there is also the option to drink Sangria and non-alcoholic drinks

 No pre-drinks allowed, if you show up drunk you can be asked to leave! Also, please eat before coming!

 It is strictly prohibited to use your phone or click pictures at a Cantus

04/12/2022 - 18:30 to 23:30
Kiekenstraat 6
3000 Leuven
16 € (19 € without ESNcard)
  • Everyone is invited.